I hope you’re right!!

The scenes from Vermont suggest you may be right.

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Me too. Not just Vermont. I've been watching a lot of US coverage for the past week and I think something is stirring in America. Like I say: slow to rouse. I also wouldn't want to own Tesla stocks right now.

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I’ve seen a few town halls getting a bit rowdy too. The republican reps look mortified but still too cowardly to step up

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Yes, a few videos emerging. Crowds are definitely getting more hostile and not simply Dems. Lots of Republicans looking dissatisfied. Lisa Merkowski is now getting vocal about it, though, obviously, she's always going to be the first point of fracture. These things don't happen quickly but the incremental pressure can suddenly escape like a vent bursting. I think Starmer is playing a blinder, too. Looking like a proper leader. I'm very impressed. Getting Trudeau into the meeting today was a brilliant move.

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I was worried that we’d hurt the UK/Canada relationship by not being vocal enough about US aggression

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Yes. My sister said that exact point, especially about getting the King involved in snuggling up to Trump without some statement about Canada. Obvious he's doing what the government want but he's also King of Canada too. Felt like he put the UK first. Hope Trudeau's presence at the meeting of leaders of Europe calmed that. Plus if Carney gets in, he knows us very well.

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Fingers crossed please

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They read your last piece!

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I'd like to think so but my viewing figures suggest otherwise.

The videos are exactly of the kind I was referencing. It's been six or seven weeks. It's only going to get worse as people realise they didn't vote for this.

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You going to have to forgive me I'd I don't allow your optimism to be contagious this time! I've just read ian Dunt's piece and I'm with him. America has fallen (at least for the time being) it's now over the tye uk and eu to react to that reality.

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Thanks, as always, Max. I started to write you a reply and at some point it got too long and then I realised I'm going to make it my next piece for Reaction. I won't mention you (so don't worry!) but you can read it and preface it with "Dear Max". Assuming I can finish it and they use it. If not, I'll post it here when done.

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